Thanks to the synergy of the companies in the group, FPM is able to provide turnkey solutions all over the world.
This multi-sector experience allows us to develop even very complex projects, such as the creation of complete production lines, developed on the specific needs of each customer, integrating new machinery with partially or completely overhauled machinery.

- Engineering of the production process
- Production and integration of machinery into the production line
- Installation and production start-up
- After-sales assistance
Being leader is not a present, but a position that you have to gain day by day, with steady commitment, reliability and honesty. We have started our activity repairing presses in our region, when the contracts were concluded by handshake. Now, after 30 years of activity, we sell and install presses all around the world as demonstrated by our references.
We operate at international level. Every day we speak English, French, Spanish, German, Turkish and Russian and our sales network is composed by more than 20 representatives spread in all the main industrialized countries and in the emerging countries. We installed presses and automatic lines in the USA and in Russia, in China and in India, in Japan and in Turkey, in Korea and in Thailand, in all Europe and in Brazil and in many other countries.

We can offer a complete new forging line, built by us or a line that is completely overhauled.
Thanks to the deep knowledge of the presses, the qualification of our technicians and the experience of our managers in the forging sector, we are able to suggest to our customer the right solution for every need, both technical and financial.
We can offer a complete new manufacturing line, built by us or a line that is completely overhauled. We have the know-how to produce hundreds of forged parts in the different alloys. The range of machineries includes presses with progressive or transfer dies, for coining, cold, warm and hot forging.
Thus we are the sole interface for any machine in the stamping and forging industry, to grant smooth decisions and simple project management.
The history of a leading family company
The story of FPM group started in January 1986 and since the first times it was characterized by innovation attitude and a particular attention to the evolving technologies and standards.
We are the perfect partner for any forging and stamping company, putting our experience at the service of the customer.
1986The beginning
In 1986 Eugenio Faini, backed by its passion for mechanical works, decides to found its own company to rebuild power presses.
Early its family start working with him. In short time the small craftsman shop gain a reputable market position, enlarge the customer base despite the crisis of the mechanical industry in late 80’s.1990The growth of the 90’s
The first plant becomes quickly too small for the growing business, so all the activities are moved to the current plant in Calcinato, with 22.000 sqm of surface and 10.000 roofed sqm.
Indeed in 1990 the company employs already 15 skilled people, reaching 25 units in 1995, when it also started manufacturing brand-new machines.2000Foreign markets
The company starts getting more and more into the segment of hot forging of metals, its brand proudly shows up during exhibitions, and begins also the exporting business towards European countries.
FPM group was able to keep alive, gaining international market shares also in countries such as South Korea, Thailand, India, USA, Mexico, Russia, Brazil, and preparing for another important transformation.2001The acquisition of Farm Brass
The growth strategy restart with the partial acquisition of the company FARM BRASS, acquiring specific know-how in the field of furnaces for hot forging and heat treatment of brass and aluminum.
The company growth allowed to develop high level skills in terms of supply of machines and related services, towards any type of customer and without geographic borders. The solutions cover a lot of different needs in the forging and stamping industry.
In the same years a sales office has been opened in Turkey.2011Automatic manufacturing
In 2011 FPM celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Group’s born.
To ameliorate the efficiency of the spare parts service, FPM Group installs a vertical automated warehouse, to grant a quick response to any spare part need. FPM Group bets on automation to improve its internal manufacturing processes. While keeping a family footprint, FPM Group is recognized as reference point in the international marketplace for the supply of new and rebuilt presses for metal deformation.201630 years of FPM
In 2016 FPM Group celebrates 30 years of activity and look forward at the future with the same spirit of innovation.
2019Participation in FTB srl
We expand our business to custom manufacturing and the production of electro-upsetting machines.
2022Acquisition of «Copress»
FPM acquires the brand and know-how of Copress, an historic company from Brescia that produces presses, and continues the construction of these renowned presses.
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